
We need to ban tipping in America

Not to even bring up the racist roots thst tipping culture began from, but being the only country basically to continue to weird culture of customers subsidizing the business owner for them not paying a fair wage is just insane. It is on the business to pay for their workers and if thst increases the price of the food, then so be it. Why should the customer be the one to pay tips while they skirt minimum wage laws with this sick system? We need to join the rest of the world and get rid of this culture once and for all. Return tipping to what it should be: patrons rewarding the staff for excellent service above and beyond what their job description requires then to perform. The burden of tips should be taken off the customer and the employee.

Not to even bring up the racist roots thst tipping culture began from, but being the only country basically to continue to weird culture of customers subsidizing the business owner for them not paying a fair wage is just insane.

It is on the business to pay for their workers and if thst increases the price of the food, then so be it. Why should the customer be the one to pay tips while they skirt minimum wage laws with this sick system?

We need to join the rest of the world and get rid of this culture once and for all.

Return tipping to what it should be: patrons rewarding the staff for excellent service above and beyond what their job description requires then to perform. The burden of tips should be taken off the customer and the employee.

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