
We see horrible things corporates and governments are doing to us workers. We complain, nothing changes. What are some of the things we can do about this?

We saw hundreds of horrible news about greedy corporates. We see governments favouring companies not people. We know there are hundreds of thousands of people barely surviving. There is a so-called economic crises but corporate and rich people's profits are higher than ever. We complain here, we talk about this with our friends all the time. But nothing changes. Or change is very very slow. Do people have to die again to change things like during industrial revolution? What can we do? What should we start doing? What kind of actions we must take? I genuinely want to know and want everyone to know. Share your ideas and things you know. Anything is ok, even the most obvious ones. Maybe we can make some kind of a guide with all the ideas? Thank you!

We saw hundreds of horrible news about greedy corporates.
We see governments favouring companies not people.
We know there are hundreds of thousands of people barely surviving.
There is a so-called economic crises but corporate and rich people's profits are higher than ever.

We complain here, we talk about this with our friends all the time. But nothing changes. Or change is very very slow.

Do people have to die again to change things like during industrial revolution?

What can we do? What should we start doing? What kind of actions we must take? I genuinely want to know and want everyone to know.

Share your ideas and things you know. Anything is ok, even the most obvious ones.

Maybe we can make some kind of a guide with all the ideas?

Thank you!

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