
“We will be training you!”

This happened close to 10 years. I was new to this country and job hunting. After long search scored an interview for a junior Database Admin. The interviewer looked at my resume like a teacher looks at a paper while trying to grade it “It says here previously you were a Tutor at your college and you taught Advanced Mathematics. Can you solve this calculus problem?” “I didn't tutored Calculus but sure I can take a crack at it” Interviewer while laughing: “How can you write in your resume that you were an Advanced Maths teacher if you didn't teach calculus?” Me: “I didn't teach. I tutored and the subjects I tutored were called Advanced Maths and calculus is not in it” Interviewer: “Anyways. Here I see that you have a very broad experience. This is very bad it shows that you're not an expert in anything!” Basically the entire…

This happened close to 10 years. I was new to this country and job hunting.

After long search scored an interview for a junior Database Admin. The interviewer looked at my resume like a teacher looks at a paper while trying to grade it

“It says here previously you were a Tutor at your college and you taught Advanced Mathematics. Can you solve this calculus problem?”

“I didn't tutored Calculus but sure I can take a crack at it”

Interviewer while laughing: “How can you write in your resume that you were an Advanced Maths teacher if you didn't teach calculus?”

Me: “I didn't teach. I tutored and the subjects I tutored were called Advanced Maths and calculus is not in it”

Interviewer: “Anyways. Here I see that you have a very broad experience. This is very bad it shows that you're not an expert in anything!”

Basically the entire interview went on like it. Just trying to put me down. The position was for Database Admin but he literally just questioned me about everything except Database Admin. When I would answer correctly he will say that I am too broad and that is not a good thing. When I would answer incorrectly he would say just scoff.

But the interview was setup through my brother so I didn't just wanted to get up and tell him off. I tolerated and left. Shortly after about a few weeks later I got another job (it was a very bad job but that is another tragedy). After about more than a month of this interview I got a call from the interviewer

Interviewer: “Hey so I wanted to discuss your future with us. I remember that you weren't really trained well maybe and didn't knew many things but you should come in and we will start your training”

Me while I am still at my new job: “Sound good. What is the salary?”

Interviewer: “Like I said, you need to be trained well and we will be training you for free”

Me: “I understand but you didn't informed me what my salary will be?”

Interview: “This is free training. We should be asking you for money for it! But you will be trained for free”

At this point I have had it and just informed him that I already have a job and that I am happy with the training I have received in the past.

Sorry nothing dramatic but I sometimes remember that interaction and it still boils my blood that he would intentionally rip me apart just to try and get some free labor from me. The worst part is, this tactic most definitely must have worked for him.

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