
Weird Bass Pro Interview

For some quick context, I’m a 20 year old college student who takes a full class load, has had 2 previous retail jobs, and picks up freelance work whenever I’m not employed on paper. Anyways I decided to look for a part-time job that didn’t involve putting up with crazy customers, so a couple days ago I applied to Bass Pro receiving dept. and got an interview the next day. The interview process was off of a script from a stack of corporate paper. It went as follows. Red flag #1 For the first 5 minutes of the interview, the first interviewer (dept head) read out an extended list of all the “amazing” qualities of the CEO, including how he’s almost monopolized corporate hunting & fishing, this, that, and the other. Ok cool. Where are the questions? This is an interview. Red Flag #2 After the first set of questions…

For some quick context, I’m a 20 year old college student who takes a full class load, has had 2 previous retail jobs, and picks up freelance work whenever I’m not employed on paper.

Anyways I decided to look for a part-time job that didn’t involve putting up with crazy customers, so a couple days ago I applied to Bass Pro receiving dept. and got an interview the next day. The interview process was off of a script from a stack of corporate paper. It went as follows.

Red flag #1
For the first 5 minutes of the interview, the first interviewer (dept head) read out an extended list of all the “amazing” qualities of the CEO, including how he’s almost monopolized corporate hunting & fishing, this, that, and the other. Ok cool. Where are the questions? This is an interview.

Red Flag #2
After the first set of questions have been asked and answered, he asks if I have any questions for him. I ask what starting is. He giggles and says that I won’t find out until after I’m hired. What?

Red Flag #3 (for me at least)
After 30 minutes of sitting in a waiting room and 1 hour of answering questions from multiple people for a presumably $9/hr job (based on my research around my area), the last interviewer says the fact I’m in college is a big problem. I tell him most of it is online. I also make it clear that I already know how to do the job I’m being interviewed for.

The job listing was “part-time”, but I wasn’t hired because I couldn’t commit to 38 hours a week. Why not just admit in your job listings that you’re just cheap fucks who are looking for someone to work full time slave wage without benefits? Just admit you’re using the good ‘ol classic 40 hrs – 2 hrs to maximize profit trick.

Overall the interview was a weird and alarming experience, but is good motivation for me to keep up my college GPA and graduate.

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