
Weird vibes?

On mobile, so sorry for formatting. Not sure if this fits the sub, so I’ll take it down if it doesn’t. I’m a bank teller that is used as a floater between branches, and I’m usually fine with anywhere they send me. But this new branch I’m at has super weird vibes, and there’s only two other tellers other than myself. One of them has bright red hair, and when I complemented it with a follow up of “my hair is going pink later this week” the other teller said that unnatural colors weren’t allowed, even though I already cleared the new color with my district and branch managers. Is this just me making a snap judgement, or is this a red flag? There’s no hair policy, other than it being clean, and I dress according to the handbook.

On mobile, so sorry for formatting. Not sure if this fits the sub, so I’ll take it down if it doesn’t. I’m a bank teller that is used as a floater between branches, and I’m usually fine with anywhere they send me. But this new branch I’m at has super weird vibes, and there’s only two other tellers other than myself. One of them has bright red hair, and when I complemented it with a follow up of “my hair is going pink later this week” the other teller said that unnatural colors weren’t allowed, even though I already cleared the new color with my district and branch managers. Is this just me making a snap judgement, or is this a red flag? There’s no hair policy, other than it being clean, and I dress according to the handbook.

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