
“Well, what did YOU do wrong?”

I work with disabled individuals and was trying to get in place to help someone out of a wheelchair when I slipped and rolled my ankle. Never done it before and GODDAMN do I not recommend it. I notified my supervisor who asked me to fill out an injury report form in case I need more than a bag of ice on it. Ok, cool. While I'm filling out the form, there's a section that says “what could have been done to prevent this?” It was an ACCIDENT. You can prepare all you like, but accidents still happen. I was tempted to leave this section blank since I feel it's super condescending and it sounds like a way for the employer to shift blame to staff and avoid having to pay out. Instead all I wrote was “mind my footing”. This isn't the only time I felt my employer tried…

I work with disabled individuals and was trying to get in place to help someone out of a wheelchair when I slipped and rolled my ankle. Never done it before and GODDAMN do I not recommend it. I notified my supervisor who asked me to fill out an injury report form in case I need more than a bag of ice on it. Ok, cool.

While I'm filling out the form, there's a section that says “what could have been done to prevent this?” It was an ACCIDENT. You can prepare all you like, but accidents still happen. I was tempted to leave this section blank since I feel it's super condescending and it sounds like a way for the employer to shift blame to staff and avoid having to pay out. Instead all I wrote was “mind my footing”.

This isn't the only time I felt my employer tried to shift blame. I've reported people for workplace harassment and for doing a shitty job, and one of the first questions I get asked by management is some form of “what could YOU have done differently?” Bitch I don't know, but pretty soon the answer is going to be “find a new place to work that doesn't automatically assume I had something to do with what I'm reporting to them.”

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