
We’ve lost 12 people in 3 months (5 just resigned in the past 2 weeks) due to low pay and in office requirement and my management doesn’t seem to care

I work for a major company whose products people use on daily basis. I'm one of the managers in our department (started 3 months ago). Each manager has their team and responsible for different things. Unfortunately, I have no say in our workers' pay or return to the office. Our workers get paid shit: $20 (think of NYC, LA). Our competitors are paying at least $23 AND they allow remote work. Our jobs CAN be done remotely but the CEO mandated return to the office for in person collaboration. On top of that our hours are horrid! Midnight to 8.30 in the morning, 04am to 12.30 noon etc. The CEO asked us to return to the office at least 2 days a week. Guess what my head of department made our workers do? 3 days!!!! Our workers have been dropping like flies as they're getting offered better pay and flexibility.…

I work for a major company whose products people use on daily basis.

I'm one of the managers in our department (started 3 months ago). Each manager has their team and responsible for different things.

Unfortunately, I have no say in our workers' pay or return to the office.

Our workers get paid shit: $20 (think of NYC, LA). Our competitors are paying at least $23 AND they allow remote work. Our jobs CAN be done remotely but the CEO mandated return to the office for in person collaboration. On top of that our hours are horrid! Midnight to 8.30 in the morning, 04am to 12.30 noon etc. The CEO asked us to return to the office at least 2 days a week. Guess what my head of department made our workers do? 3 days!!!!

Our workers have been dropping like flies as they're getting offered better pay and flexibility. In the last 2 weeks, 5 have resigned. We have been doing interviews and guess what? We get turned down as the new candidates are going to other places that pay more.

The managers are treated well, we all get paid at least 100k with decent bonus but I used to be one of these guys. I have tried asking my boss to give them more money but no one seems to care. on top of all these BS they're forcing onto the workers, the management is treating these employee as numbers, not human beings. Disparaging (not illegal but certainly unprofessional) remarks are often made in our management only meetings. It's discouraging and this is a multi billion dollar company. My boss is making 250k. my boss' boss is making 400k WTF!!!

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