
Wfh is cool but working is still soul sucking

I'm very fortunate to have found a legit wfh job recently, same pay (low) but no commute, comfort of home etc.. The BUT is that it's basically customer service on calls all day and I hate it. I thought I probably would but was so happy to be at home it was worth trying. Ranted about this bleak outlook in another sub recently, being 40 with only this as a future is horrible. Every couple of years I get the same overwhelming feelings- work consumes my energy for little payoff. It truly is bull, this modern work life existence. And corporate issues like trying to plan a day off is impossible. No free days left in the year if you submit a request! Which explains all the callouts from coworkers. Guess that's what I'll do too. There is no way I can go another month without time off. Yet my…

I'm very fortunate to have found a legit wfh job recently, same pay (low) but no commute, comfort of home etc.. The BUT is that it's basically customer service on calls all day and I hate it. I thought I probably would but was so happy to be at home it was worth trying. Ranted about this bleak outlook in another sub recently, being 40 with only this as a future is horrible. Every couple of years I get the same overwhelming feelings- work consumes my energy for little payoff. It truly is bull, this modern work life existence. And corporate issues like trying to plan a day off is impossible. No free days left in the year if you submit a request! Which explains all the callouts from coworkers. Guess that's what I'll do too. There is no way I can go another month without time off. Yet my main issue/rant is I just hate phone work. The actual work work I don't mind, if I could just do that part. It's mind numbing. I give credit to those doing it for years.

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