I'm disabled. I had, emphasis on had, chronic intractable migraine. Imagine living with a migraine of varying levels 24/7 and that was my life.
And I was working full time, bc I'm the primary income and also I like my job. My last job I had an informal arrangement with my grand-boss to work from home as needed due to migraine.
January 2020 we had check in reviews and I got my hand slapped for working from home too much. 2 months later we went fully remote.
Turns out that when I don't have to fight traffic two hours a day, when I don't have to sit under fluorescent lights in an open room with eight other people, when I can adjust my own environment as I need… I have a lot more energy and spoons. I even picked up a hobby.
I started a new job back in March, requirement remote only. I work for a company based on the other side of the country so good luck if they try to pull me in lol.
i would absolutely be on disability now or trying to get it if I still had to commute. This is absolutely a disability rights issue.