
What Are My Obligations (Alabama)

I was laid off early last week because my boss claims that she couldn't afford to pay me anymore. She has been acting strange for a few weeks and its a small biz so I didn't think anything of it. There were some issues regarding scheduling (like the fact that she likes to put out schedules on Sunday that start the following day through Saturday… literally who does that?!) that I needed to discuss with her anyways, so I guess all in all I don't have to do that and that's good. I did a ton of work for them on my personal computer and ran the entire wholesale so I am really just concerned about what my obligations are now that I have left? Like do I have to pass along files to this woman if she cannot find them? Her entire calendar was hooked up to my iCal…

I was laid off early last week because my boss claims that she couldn't afford to pay me anymore. She has been acting strange for a few weeks and its a small biz so I didn't think anything of it. There were some issues regarding scheduling (like the fact that she likes to put out schedules on Sunday that start the following day through Saturday… literally who does that?!) that I needed to discuss with her anyways, so I guess all in all I don't have to do that and that's good. I did a ton of work for them on my personal computer and ran the entire wholesale so I am really just concerned about what my obligations are now that I have left? Like do I have to pass along files to this woman if she cannot find them? Her entire calendar was hooked up to my iCal and I am needing to fill it with other/new work related personal calendar tasks so I just deleted all of them… is that a problem? She's not evil, just completely unaware of how a business is run, so I'm not trying to ruin her life but I am also not trying to make my life confusing or do crap for free. I would like to know what the 'bare minimum' looks like in this situation.

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