
what are some actually decent entry level jobs?

im at a point in my career where things need to change. i dont enjoy my job or the companies i have worked for, and the pay has always been underwhelming. i know this is an odd place to seek advice, but the way i see it, life is work. if its not for an employer, its in the woods gathering berries and firewood. sometimes its just easier to pay for things than do it yourself, so in that sense: can you help me find something enjoyable?

im at a point in my career where things need to change. i dont enjoy my job or the companies i have worked for, and the pay has always been underwhelming. i know this is an odd place to seek advice, but the way i see it, life is work. if its not for an employer, its in the woods gathering berries and firewood. sometimes its just easier to pay for things than do it yourself, so in that sense: can you help me find something enjoyable?

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