
What are we going to do?

This is absolutely insane. A small (and shrinking) group of comically evil people hold all of the power over our lives. They won’t give it up. They exploit and oppress and abuse, they steal and cheat and lie. And when we catch them? They go straight back to it with no interruption. The system is built to return them to top of the pillar. Every victory we achieve for the laborer is theatre. One step forward, five steps back. So are we all destined to be slaves?! Is oppression our natural state? Or are we coming soon to the revelation that our options are resistance or subjugation. Think of the future: a utopia for the worker, where life, personage, love and health are the priority. Where love and acceptance have replaced bigotry, oppression and exploitation. And looking on this utopia ask yourself: did we achieve this peacefully? Did the oppressors…

This is absolutely insane. A small (and shrinking) group of comically evil people hold all of the power over our lives.

They won’t give it up. They exploit and oppress and abuse, they steal and cheat and lie. And when we catch them? They go straight back to it with no interruption. The system is built to return them to top of the pillar.

Every victory we achieve for the laborer is theatre. One step forward, five steps back.

So are we all destined to be slaves?! Is oppression our natural state?

Or are we coming soon to the revelation that our options are resistance or subjugation.

Think of the future: a utopia for the worker, where life, personage, love and health are the priority. Where love and acceptance have replaced bigotry, oppression and exploitation.

And looking on this utopia ask yourself: did we achieve this peacefully? Did the oppressors lay down their arms? Did your bourgeoisie work drivers succumb to singing and holding hands around the campfire?

Or: were they stamped out and burned out. Were they driven naked and bloodied from their perches. Were they ripped from the sky and thrown into the dirt with the rest of us.

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