
What are your thoughts about lying on your resume?

My friend did it and he's pretty well off for now- not wealthy but he's a great guy, good with money. Humble. But man, something about lying like that- it's moreso the idea of “what if you get caught?”. I wanna get a writing job or something similar, but that shit requires a college degree. A college degree for writing- nonsense lmo. If you got examples, you got examples. None of this college crap, college is a scam. Paying thousands of dollars to be an art student is the ultimate scam, it should be reserved for the wealthy. Otherwise we got kids getting into massive debt because they wanna follow their passion- since all these jobs require a degree. Again, if you have examples of what you can do- you do not need a degree. Also inb4 if someone points out how I wanna get a writing job while my…

My friend did it and he's pretty well off for now- not wealthy but he's a great guy, good with money. Humble.

But man, something about lying like that- it's moreso the idea of “what if you get caught?”. I wanna get a writing job or something similar, but that shit requires a college degree. A college degree for writing- nonsense lmo. If you got examples, you got examples. None of this college crap, college is a scam. Paying thousands of dollars to be an art student is the ultimate scam, it should be reserved for the wealthy. Otherwise we got kids getting into massive debt because they wanna follow their passion- since all these jobs require a degree. Again, if you have examples of what you can do- you do not need a degree.

Also inb4 if someone points out how I wanna get a writing job while my writing in this post is shit- I know it is, this is the internet. I could care less. Joys of being online.

What are your thoughts on this? I draw the line when it comes to stuff like being a medical professional or some other crucial job experience you need- obviously.

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