
What can I do if my ex-employer doesn’t give me my last paycheck or takes too long?

I got a better job offer and I quit last Friday with no notice because they just didn’t deserve to have one. I was not sure at the beginning, leaving a job just like that, but now I believe it was the best option. ( they didn’t even ask why I was leaving or offered anything to make me stay) The owner ask me to come back on Tuesday just to explain how everything works and how it was organized and I really wanted to return the keys ( because he was not able to picked them on the same Friday) so I said -ok no problem please let me know when you are going to be here to come – but he insist on doing the meeting at any time it was easier for me. I picked a time and let him know , he was agree and no…

I got a better job offer and I quit last Friday with no notice because they just didn’t deserve to have one.

I was not sure at the beginning, leaving a job just like that, but now I believe it was the best option. ( they didn’t even ask why I was leaving or offered anything to make me stay)

The owner ask me to come back on Tuesday just to explain how everything works and how it was organized and I really wanted to return the keys ( because he was not able to picked them on the same Friday) so I said -ok no problem please let me know when you are going to be here to come – but he insist on doing the meeting at any time it was easier for me. I picked a time and let him know , he was agree and no issues at this point .

I arrive 10 min earlier to the meeting , no notice from him, waited another 20 and then sent him a message saying I was only going to wait 10 more minutes. After this text he called me saying he’s sorry and that I don’t have to worry about the keys of the office ( that I had since the first day) because he already changed the lock of the door…. Like are you serious? Making me losing my time and gas for this?

I now believe he never had a true intension on doing the meeting … he just wanted me to wait there I guess, I mean the only reason I went to this meeting was to return the keys to avoid any future problems and he does this even after working together for more than a year… I have no words

But In conclusion, I lost all my confidence on the owner and I want to be prepare with my options in case he starts giving me excuses on why he can’t pay me. This has already happened with other employees so I don’t believe is going to be different with me…

I was trying to leave on good terms and be a good person but like this is imposible 🤷‍️ any advice is appreciated , I’m in USA.

Pd.English is not my mother language, I apologize for any mistake….

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