
What can we do to make things better?

I recently moved to a new city and have been working odd jobs until I can find something that sticks, right now I’m looking into finding another new job because the one I’m at right now isn’t giving me a healthy work/life balance. I’m really discouraged by the way things only seem to be getting worse in terms of working conditions in the US, and I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. It’s nice to see all the ideas floating around this sub and other places online- things like shorter work weeks, higher wages, more unions- but it just feels like nothing is actually happening, like nothing is changing for the better and it’s not going to. Maybe I’m being a bit too pessimistic and looking in the wrong places, but it’s really hard to feel hopeful right now. I can’t say I’m any sort of expert in…

I recently moved to a new city and have been working odd jobs until I can find something that sticks, right now I’m looking into finding another new job because the one I’m at right now isn’t giving me a healthy work/life balance. I’m really discouraged by the way things only seem to be getting worse in terms of working conditions in the US, and I know I’m not alone in feeling this way.

It’s nice to see all the ideas floating around this sub and other places online- things like shorter work weeks, higher wages, more unions- but it just feels like nothing is actually happening, like nothing is changing for the better and it’s not going to. Maybe I’m being a bit too pessimistic and looking in the wrong places, but it’s really hard to feel hopeful right now.

I can’t say I’m any sort of expert in labor or economics or anything related, and I can’t say I have much skill in leadership or organizing either, so I feel pretty useless in making a change. Is there anything we can do as individuals to influence policy change for the better? I want to contribute, but I can’t spot any real leaders in the movement to get behind right now, and I’m simply not the right person for that kind of role to take it on myself. Who are you all looking to or rallying with? Are there organizations to join?

Outside of influencing structural change, what are you doing to stay sane? I feel like all I can think about is work and making enough money to get by, and it’s driving me up a wall. What can I do to lessen the stress of it?

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