
What did people expect to happen to those who lost their jobs over the vaccine?

Honest question, for those who supported or even cheered on the idea of those who losing their jobs over the vaccine. What did you expect to happen to them? Especially to those of lower skill set who dont get to work from home? When we as a society saw them get terminated over a vaccinated, what was the end game for them? We are over a year into the roll out and most workplaces that have a vax policy dont even expect you to be “up to date” with your vaccine and are perfectly content with being double dosed, no matter how long ago you got them which just goes to show how pointless it was. When we know already that you are supposed to get boosters because new strains and that “protection” wanes after a few months. On top of a vaccine that never stopped transmission to even justify…

Honest question, for those who supported or even cheered on the idea of those who losing their jobs over the vaccine. What did you expect to happen to them? Especially to those of lower skill set who dont get to work from home? When we as a society saw them get terminated over a vaccinated, what was the end game for them?

We are over a year into the roll out and most workplaces that have a vax policy dont even expect you to be “up to date” with your vaccine and are perfectly content with being double dosed, no matter how long ago you got them which just goes to show how pointless it was. When we know already that you are supposed to get boosters because new strains and that “protection” wanes after a few months. On top of a vaccine that never stopped transmission to even justify cutting the unvaccinated.

So basically if you havent had an injection within 3 or 4 months, your vax status is outdated.

As a society did we really wish for them to die from covid or starve?

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