I discovered this subreddit today…May Day….coincidence?……Probably. Anyway, I’m a 41 year old female that has been part of this movement for my entire life. I’m so antiwork it’s likely (it is) pathological. Recently, I broke a bone in my hand and I’m out on short term disability. My break is healing but now I’m considering what other bones I could break so that I can extend my time away. And my job really isn’t THAT bad. I do have RA, tumid lupus, and many mental health diagnosis, so I think I could qualify for disability after a fight. I just have a negative stigma in my head, but work is SO HARD for me. What do? Am shit? Feel bad. Like I’m made to feel like something’s wrong with me because I can’t manage work, physical illness, mental illness, children, spouse, house, while having perfectly applied false eyelashes. Gggrrrrrr.