
What do you think of linked in hustle culture

When I graduated everyone updated their LinkedIn where I had no idea about it I just thought it was app and website to search job. But when I opened account on it I see many people I know were already in linked and another thing is some peoples update their experience and achievements where I don't have. Then automatically my mind stuck in some kind of dilema. where I had an idea for being freelancer for some period then I can concentrate on what can I do but after scrolling down linked in I automatically had some infirmity complex. I have an idea for higher studies but which I can't afford now so I have plan to work as freelancer, but my mind automatically starts comparing with others on LinkedIn with my financial problems and achievements. My mind automatically became working in top MNCs will be great or you can't…

When I graduated everyone updated their LinkedIn where I had no idea about it I just thought it was app and website to search job. But when I opened account on it I see many people I know were already in linked and another thing is some peoples update their experience and achievements where I don't have. Then automatically my mind stuck in some kind of dilema. where I had an idea for being freelancer for some period then I can concentrate on what can I do but after scrolling down linked in I automatically had some infirmity complex. I have an idea for higher studies but which I can't afford now so I have plan to work as freelancer, but my mind automatically starts comparing with others on LinkedIn with my financial problems and achievements. My mind automatically became working in top MNCs will be great or you can't afford higher studies because you are from normal family kind of stuffs overthinking in my head because higher studies is always seen as stuff for wealthiest people in India such kind of stereotypes automatically fed by LinkedIn to me which makes me to work in hard field with less salary to gain experience which is literally a shit thought. Literally LinkedIn makes me ran from my passion to be free and freelancer towards hustling and flexing culture of fuckin LinkedIn.


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