
What Does Antiwork Mean?: A dialogue

This subreddit has been one of my favourites over my years of use. I wanted to start by giving my impression of what antiwork means. I’m ready to work towards the common goals humans have; saving the planet, having another crack at fixing our societal issues, teaching the youth and building/innovating a better world. I’m just anti-working for these companies that don’t respect my time the way I respect theirs. They don’t understand that you don’t have to have the best and whatever you’re selling or manufacturing ISN’T the best. If you’re product is anything it’s the best OPTION at the moment for SOME of the population. Nobody knows what the best things are, because it’s different for everyone. It’s become the norm to make a product then set yourself up so you can make infinity of it. That seems childish to me. Why was the plan ever infinity products…

This subreddit has been one of my favourites over my years of use. I wanted to start by giving my impression of what antiwork means.

I’m ready to work towards the common goals humans have; saving the planet, having another crack at fixing our societal issues, teaching the youth and building/innovating a better world.

I’m just anti-working for these companies that don’t respect my time the way I respect theirs.

They don’t understand that you don’t have to have the best and whatever you’re selling or manufacturing ISN’T the best.

If you’re product is anything it’s the best OPTION at the moment for SOME of the population. Nobody knows what the best things are, because it’s different for everyone.

It’s become the norm to make a product then set yourself up so you can make infinity of it. That seems childish to me. Why was the plan ever infinity products DESIGNED to break or be disposed of?

Where’s the innovation.

I’m only anti work because the employers (I know there’s a few good ones out there keep on keepin’ on, you’re ahead of the game) have gotten our goals twisted with theirs.

I just want to be able to afford life. I want proper family – and I mean the kind of family you choose – owned businesses that succeed because they make good products that people WANT. I didn’t think I was alone in that. Now I know. It’s nice getting to meet you all.

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