
What does unemployment benefit look like in your country?

In the UK I got £320 in Universal Credit and they gave me about £250 for rent. My house share was £350 so I only had £220 a month to spend for food and extras. Luckily my food is £120 a month. Netflix and phone is £25 a month. The last £100 is for toiletries, clothes, or maybe if I want to visit a friend and get a coffee/beer/snack. Its not a fancy life but its tolerable. The only kicker is if you dont find a job within three months they start to harass you and make your life difficult so you end up taking any old crappy job just to not be sent on a training course for idiots. In the long run I want to upskill and escape the bad jobs situation – the issue is my depression is terrible right now and I am barely functioning. ——…

In the UK I got £320 in Universal Credit and they gave me about £250 for rent.

My house share was £350 so I only had £220 a month to spend for food and extras.

Luckily my food is £120 a month. Netflix and phone is £25 a month. The last £100 is for toiletries, clothes, or maybe if I want to visit a friend and get a coffee/beer/snack.

Its not a fancy life but its tolerable. The only kicker is if you dont find a job within three months they start to harass you and make your life difficult so you end up taking any old crappy job just to not be sent on a training course for idiots.

In the long run I want to upskill and escape the bad jobs situation – the issue is my depression is terrible right now and I am barely functioning.


My theory for us menial job workers is: you can work and be poor or you can be unemployed and be poor. Yet with unemployment you have time for family, health, hobbies, mental wellbeing, skill progression, volunteering for good causes.

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