
What hourly pay means to me

I've been employed for over 20 years now throughout many different employers through different states. I've ran operations and managed employees and currently sit in a cubicle as the low man on the totem. All these years and what hourly pay means to me is, your paying me to physically exist, while doing minimum productivity in whatever assigned role, and look busy whenever you want to check up on me. I think anyone who expects more than that from an hourly employee is ridiculous. Regardless of what that hourly amount equates to, how do you expect anyone to have an interest in someone else's profits?

I've been employed for over 20 years now throughout many different employers through different states. I've ran operations and managed employees and currently sit in a cubicle as the low man on the totem.

All these years and what hourly pay means to me is, your paying me to physically exist, while doing minimum productivity in whatever assigned role, and look busy whenever you want to check up on me.

I think anyone who expects more than that from an hourly employee is ridiculous. Regardless of what that hourly amount equates to, how do you expect anyone to have an interest in someone else's profits?

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