
what i learned as a “hard worker”

you're gonna work the hardest . you will deserve a promotion . your peers will respect and recognize you for your efforts . the company will earn a profit . the store/business/restaurant will succeed because of your efforts . you won't get the promotion because there will never be a position open . your experience will be what keeps you getting the most high fives and pats on the backs . you would still be getting paid the same or less than the new kid .

you're gonna work the hardest .

you will deserve a promotion .

your peers will respect and recognize you for your efforts .

the company will earn a profit .

the store/business/restaurant will succeed because of your efforts .

you won't get the promotion because there will never be a position open .

your experience will be what keeps you getting the most high fives and pats on the backs .

you would still be getting paid the same or less than the new kid .

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