I'm suggesting a “Pauper's Civil Rights Act.”
This could create an avenue for suing any city that blocks low income housing, by having the courts treat them no different than they would treat a city that tries to stop black people from moving in. It would cause city counselors to shit bricks over the potential bankruptcy, and force them into making space for low income housing wherever it's needed.
It could also put states in a position where they have to make college both affordable and accessible for the working poor – which means a lot more online and self-paced options just to avoid the weight of losing another civil rights lawsuit.
Pharmaceutical companies that jack up the price of insulin or epi-pens without good cause could also be sued under a “Pauper's Civil Rights Act,” effectively blocking attempts at price-gouging in anything that people need to live.
Basically any way the state or corporations unjustly fuck over the poor, could be broadly covered in a “Pauper's Civil Rights Act” – by taking the protections we already grant in categories like race or sex, and extending them to poverty status.