
What if technology built civilization while humans kicked back?

Dreaming out loud this morning (something often denied to oppressed workers) and inviting others to do the same. Any and all practical considerations and questions momentarily aside, what could technology do that would get us out of working altogether? How could technology truly free the working class from the responsibility of building human civilization? What types of jobs and work could technology take over fully? How far do you think technology could go in making work just a chapter in human history instead of an unavoidable fact of life? Do you have a vision for how technology could free us from work? Please share!

Dreaming out loud this morning (something often denied to oppressed workers) and inviting others to do the same.

Any and all practical considerations and questions momentarily aside, what could technology do that would get us out of working altogether? How could technology truly free the working class from the responsibility of building human civilization?

What types of jobs and work could technology take over fully? How far do you think technology could go in making work just a chapter in human history instead of an unavoidable fact of life?

Do you have a vision for how technology could free us from work? Please share!

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