A. we continue on the the downhill slope we’ve reached as a society. By continuing to make people more and more comfortable by developing entertainment and technology. which simultaneously makes us weaker and less intelligent. But you might not realize it because what you know is all you’ve ever known and how you think now is how you always thought you think like. In most day to day scenarios unless you speak from a deep place all the time. Then kudos.
B. We reevaluate ourselves see how we’ve been way more physically inactive and way more mentally active than any humans in our history. And how the mind is in the dark place of our whole being and the body in the light. Start standing up with pride for making it this far. Yeah we’ve done some crappy things but hate breeds hate negativity is a virus. Just do your best everyday it’s a journey to getting to a totally positive mindset (which is improbable). We need to get stronger work less then half of what we’ve been doing. we need to slow down as a society we shouldn’t be moving as fast as we are right now. It just happened gradually with the the the most recent generations ( grandparent or great grandparents to about 2000s kids) and now we are going on smoke. We need to refortify. PE needs to be just as important as any other class. if your body is working at relative peakness your minds sharper because your blood is circulating as it naturally should.
All schools need shop class and a home prep class. To bring the childrens minds into the physical world and not just the mental. We are just out of balance.
C. Adapt a We do nothing mindset. worlds already grey it always has been what’s good and what’s bad is all relative to what you want as an individual. nothing matters. if all humans find extinction life will still find a way it does t matter. Guess I’ll go stare at a screen for multiple hours everyday not even seeing the sun or moon go through their rotation. Times an illusion when your stuck inside all the time anyway.
Obviously this isn’t a “real” question. just my viewpoint from being in the dirt.
Maybe I should clarify. Lately I’ve been thinking of the society as a golf tee. The top center has no earthly idea what’s going on underneath it. they didn’t choose to be up there they were born in it and they have no inconceivable way to empathize from lack of experience. The bottom is the people in the dirt literally blue collar those who wake up at the ass crack of dawn or working physically to provide food electricity plumbing construction and healthcare Providing comforts and stability for all. Then you’ve got the middle.
Ending prediction 2-22-2222 22:22