
What is that thing where coworkers virtue signal and pretend that work is is the #1 thing on their mind – “I went on vacation and was really disciplined and good about not checking my work emails!” Like what personality deficit is that?

I'm in my 40s and have worked in a variety of industries and settings and no matter where I've worked, I've always seen this sentiment. That work is a vice that they need to “discipline” themselves into not indulging in. As if making Excel spreadsheets for Karen in HR is as appealing as chocolate or video games or alcohol or other vices that you need to work to clamp down. Just hearing phrases like “I know, my wife told me to be better about not answering emails after 10 PM”. Or “Sorry, I know it's 5:30, and i already stayed late, but I've got to pick my kid up from X” implying that the only reason they have to leave is an unfortunate thing, and not that their contractually obligated day is fucking over. To me, I think these people are profoundly sick and shows something deeply wrong with society.…

I'm in my 40s and have worked in a variety of industries and settings and no matter where I've worked, I've always seen this sentiment. That work is a vice that they need to “discipline” themselves into not indulging in. As if making Excel spreadsheets for Karen in HR is as appealing as chocolate or video games or alcohol or other vices that you need to work to clamp down. Just hearing phrases like “I know, my wife told me to be better about not answering emails after 10 PM”. Or “Sorry, I know it's 5:30, and i already stayed late, but I've got to pick my kid up from X” implying that the only reason they have to leave is an unfortunate thing, and not that their contractually obligated day is fucking over.

To me, I think these people are profoundly sick and shows something deeply wrong with society. If you've ever said things like that, can you explain the reasoning? Did you really believe that? Or is that what you thought you had to say to get promoted or not be laid off? Is it some weird kind of social conditioning, like seeing all those people crying when a North Korean leader dies because you don't want to be the one who's not crying and face retribution?

Like seriously, what the fuck is that sentiment. I've only ever met Americans who say things like that.

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