
What is the actual solution to fixing these work related issues of low wages and poor work/life balance and can we actually do something about it??

I'm a 23M who absolutely finds the 40 hour work week soul destroying. I have to pay ridiculous rent and gas prices and can't realistically see myself having a family and house in the profession of primary school teaching. I can't help but look around and see logic kind of thrown out the window for no apparent reason. Like part of the reason in my opinion we work so many hours is because there are people pushing more pointless work onto each other and this especially comes from people in jobs that only exist because the previous generation made it up. For example why is there so much paperwork involved in everything. Why do you need a marketing team to sell products that should have a clear reason for use? If you look at the world all we really need to 'survive' is a quality shelter, well maintained environments, food…

I'm a 23M who absolutely finds the 40 hour work week soul destroying. I have to pay ridiculous rent and gas prices and can't realistically see myself having a family and house in the profession of primary school teaching.

I can't help but look around and see logic kind of thrown out the window for no apparent reason. Like part of the reason in my opinion we work so many hours is because there are people pushing more pointless work onto each other and this especially comes from people in jobs that only exist because the previous generation made it up. For example why is there so much paperwork involved in everything. Why do you need a marketing team to sell products that should have a clear reason for use?

If you look at the world all we really need to 'survive' is a quality shelter, well maintained environments, food & good healthcare. Then to have a quality life we need good education, free time & good activities in place for leisure – add to that efficient transportation and I'm sure there's many fields here I'm missing but you should get the point. However we have so many people employed in useless administration roles, management roles. Even things like having check out chicks what's the point when you can have 50 self checkouts? The point is we waste so much of the labor force and the opportunity cost is sectors that actually matter get neglected.

What it looks like is our current boomers at the top of cooperation and government groom vulnerable individuals from the next generation and the cycle of adding pointless laws and regulations to everything continues. I worked in a trade for a couple years and got told I couldn't stand on the top step on the ladder due to health and safety. And that's just one example of thousands of things slowing down our progress.

When are we going to solve the housing crisis and train and develop more builders to build more houses? When will we let world class builders make key decisions on reasonable regulations in regards to building houses? Will we stop delivering marketing courses and actually get these people making useful products that don't need to be pushed about their purpose in being invented? When will agricultural workers, nurses, teachers and tradies over many sectors be the industry standard for careers to look into? We don't need this many fast food workers, this many Batista's and restaurants, do we need as much rubbish toys and food products produced?

If we stop being stupid we could have the majority of the work force in these sectors that are important and over all lower the hours we work. Or am I someone who just doesn't know anything?

I want to hear the opinions of those more educated than me because I can't wrap my head around how the majority of society hates this world for what it is yet nothing will ever get done about it.

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