
What is the best road ti take?

I've (24 m) been studying physics for the past 4 years and it was such a dread in my life that i end up quitting after one of friends in the university killed himself. I always liked physics but the moment wasn't right; i didn't know I was dyslexic and with adhd until last last year and that I had anxiety problems due to my absolutely crashed family ( monetary and mental health wise). I stopped university and started working (5 h a day) to earn money to restart a new course ( computer science) but the work that I working now is so much hard for me. I hate it. I don't like it. It's just doing the same thing and never understand it becouse it is a waist of time for them. They put me to write analysis about machinery that I have 0 interest in and pretend…

I've (24 m) been studying physics for the past 4 years and it was such a dread in my life that i end up quitting after one of friends in the university killed himself. I always liked physics but the moment wasn't right; i didn't know I was dyslexic and with adhd until last last year and that I had anxiety problems due to my absolutely crashed family ( monetary and mental health wise). I stopped university and started working (5 h a day) to earn money to restart a new course ( computer science) but the work that I working now is so much hard for me. I hate it. I don't like it. It's just doing the same thing and never understand it becouse it is a waist of time for them. They put me to write analysis about machinery that I have 0 interest in and pretend that i should know all about them just becouse i studied them on Google for like 30 min.

Last month I asked my boss if he can put me in the IT team becouse I wanted to learn something that interests me and not something that I actually dislike. He said that in that community we value the need of our employees and that he will think about it. So, I ended up getting 2 more ours to “learn” it stuff but I had to increase my total hours of work to 7, I said yes but I lost all my students that I was working with, i earned more money than the actual job; I thought it would help me with my dream 🙁 After exactly one month we argued about something stupid and told me that from now on i have to work from home and said that the 2 hours plus were not going to be paid.

Now I don't want to work for them anymore becouse they are so wierd and cult like, I just want to earn money to live my facking life and do what I like. I owe that to my self. I don't want to be a milionarie and i don't give a fuck about making triple next year if I work hard enough, I just want to pay my bills and have enough food to be full and happy. I ended up liking working from home and now I want to find something that can give me a sense of usefulness to it.

So now, with a new love for learning i want to study and work as long as I can.

The question is “what is the best road for me?”. I need something that has the possibility to work remotely, something that i can focus on for the next 6 or 8 month (how much I can afford surviving only with my emergency saving) to “master” and earn me enough money to have the possibity to study and do the things that I love. I have an inclination toward scientific and technological activities. My dream is to earn enough experience and knowledge to be able to create the videogame of my dreams, and i want to be good at it, so maybe if you have something that can earn me money and give at the same time skills to achieve my dream would be awesome.

Sorry but i don't write very often in English so maybe it's super bad.

I know that maybe i didn't give useful information to work with, if you need to know something just ask. I don't get offended 🙂

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