
What is with all these companies going “Hybrid”??

Im currently in the market for a new job and decided to look for 100% full time time remote opportunities only, because, who wants to be in the office these days? Im getting so tired of recruiters reaching out trying to sell me on the “perks” of an in office culture lol. Even better are the companies saying “We are hybrid but planning to return in office full time” or “we are temporarily remote with plans to return to a hybrid schedule” like why??? why cant they just let us work from home. It saves them money, it saves us commute and gas costs, it makes everyone happier and studies have shown that people are actually MORE productive overall working from home. We need to normalize remote work.

Im currently in the market for a new job and decided to look for 100% full time time remote opportunities only, because, who wants to be in the office these days? Im getting so tired of recruiters reaching out trying to sell me on the “perks” of an in office culture lol. Even better are the companies saying “We are hybrid but planning to return in office full time” or “we are temporarily remote with plans to return to a hybrid schedule” like why??? why cant they just let us work from home. It saves them money, it saves us commute and gas costs, it makes everyone happier and studies have shown that people are actually MORE productive overall working from home.

We need to normalize remote work.

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