
What is your thoughts on UBI and likely what it could do to min wage?

So lets assume we can make UBI, UBN, and UBS a thing tomorrow. And with the setup UBN prevent basics like food from jumping in price, and UBS will help with housing cost and other services. ​ One thing that isn't talked about almost ever is what happens to min wage after we get UBI. Keep in mind, unlike UBN and UBS, UBI is meant where you can spend the money however you want. Like it is meant to cover the basics so someone making $100k it's virtually nothing. But someone on the lower end it is a bit. Because UBI covers the basics on what it takes to live, there honestly won't be much reason to keep min wage laws. And it is likely jobs like that will decrease in income until there is a supply vs demand level. Like the supply of workers are so low that places…

So lets assume we can make UBI, UBN, and UBS a thing tomorrow. And with the setup UBN prevent basics like food from jumping in price, and UBS will help with housing cost and other services.

One thing that isn't talked about almost ever is what happens to min wage after we get UBI. Keep in mind, unlike UBN and UBS, UBI is meant where you can spend the money however you want. Like it is meant to cover the basics so someone making $100k it's virtually nothing. But someone on the lower end it is a bit.

Because UBI covers the basics on what it takes to live, there honestly won't be much reason to keep min wage laws. And it is likely jobs like that will decrease in income until there is a supply vs demand level. Like the supply of workers are so low that places have no choice in paying at a given level. (keep in mind, people will still need to work to pay for things the WANT. Like the new phone they want, a movie, or other things you don't need to live or function in society.)

But this could mean more startups since lower wage cost, more people taking risk trying to make something, and more options for the worker. Like it goes from someone can't start a company because they can't afford the help, to someone trying something and as long as someone agrees to the price. Then maybe it might take off.

So this could mean where today min wage in some areas is $15/h. The min wage of the future after UBI it could be less than $1/h.

What is your thoughts on this?

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