
What is your work horror story?

I have two; NSFW In high school I worked at a fast food restaurant. We had to get permission to use the bathroom. One day at lunch rush, my period started. I asked my boss to use the bathroom and they told me I couldn’t until lunch rush was over. After asking her every 15 minutes, 3 hours later I was allowed to use the restroom. I was soiled. I had to go home to shower and change uniforms, I was humiliated. My boss wasn’t happy that I had to leave and told me I had to be quick about it. In college, I worked at a retail clothing store. I was being paid minimum wage but expected to buy the clothing in the store. Obviously, I couldn’t afford it so I did my best to wear something comparable. One day, I get pulled into the office by my manager…

I have two;

  1. NSFW
    In high school I worked at a fast food restaurant. We had to get permission to use the bathroom. One day at lunch rush, my period started. I asked my boss to use the bathroom and they told me I couldn’t until lunch rush was over. After asking her every 15 minutes, 3 hours later I was allowed to use the restroom. I was soiled. I had to go home to shower and change uniforms, I was humiliated. My boss wasn’t happy that I had to leave and told me I had to be quick about it.

  2. In college, I worked at a retail clothing store. I was being paid minimum wage but expected to buy the clothing in the store. Obviously, I couldn’t afford it so I did my best to wear something comparable. One day, I get pulled into the office by my manager telling me someone was on the phone for me. I was confused, she wouldn’t tell me who it was. I get on the phone and it’s someone from HR. They start asking me condescending questions about my views and morals on stealing. I was super confused why I was being asked these questions. Finally, he tells me that he knows I stole an item of clothing from the store because my manager saw me wearing it and there is no record of me purchasing it. Dumbfounded, I told them that it wasn’t their brand, and that I wore it because it looked similar to their clothing. They made my roommate leave class early to bring the shirt to the store so that I could prove I hadn’t stolen it. My boss then begged me to not quit.

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