
What is your worst memorable experience at work?

I called customer service today because the internet is extra slow for some odd reason. It was fixed but it made me recall the mistake I made while I was in customer service 6 years ago. I was tired. It was supposed to be the last call, at the end of my 4 hour overtime, when a guy called in & this is how our conversation went. ​ Me: Thank you for calling “company I worked for”, my name is “myname” how can I help you? Customer: blah blah blah… (It was a long time ago so I forgot the details.) Me: Is there anything else? Customer: That's it I guess. Me: Thank you for calling “company I worked for”. Once again my name is “myname”. Have a great day! Customer: Whoa! Wait wait waaaiiit! What?!! HAHAHA You didn't even help me. Where is your supervisor? Hahaha. WTF?! huehuehue… ​…

I called customer service today because the internet is extra slow for some odd reason. It was fixed but it made me recall the mistake I made while I was in customer service 6 years ago. I was tired. It was supposed to be the last call, at the end of my 4 hour overtime, when a guy called in & this is how our conversation went.

Me: Thank you for calling “company I worked for”, my name is “myname” how can I help you?

Customer: blah blah blah… (It was a long time ago so I forgot the details.)

Me: Is there anything else?

Customer: That's it I guess.

Me: Thank you for calling “company I worked for”. Once again my name is “myname”. Have a great day!

Customer: Whoa! Wait wait waaaiiit! What?!! HAHAHA You didn't even help me. Where is your supervisor? Hahaha. WTF?! huehuehue…

It was memorable but it was also one of my worst experiences at work. What's yours?

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