
What job/industry is the jackpot in terms of salary, hours, benefits, workload and work environment?

I was lucky enough to find a high paying job, which was super easy going where I made some amazing friends and met some incredible people. Throughout the contract we were all saying how we shouldn’t get used to any of this because this just wasn’t real life. It was a government project so the pay was good, the work was super easy going, the hours were great and you were basically speaking to HR as equals because they work and are employed by the government. They don’t work for a private employer and HR has to protect the government’s image not just the highest ranking person there. It was truly the jackpot and I wish it went on forever. It was still work, and sometimes just sometimes super hard work like super crazy fast paced with a lot of incompetence managing it all but usually not really busy. I’ve…

I was lucky enough to find a high paying job, which was super easy going where I made some amazing friends and met some incredible people. Throughout the contract we were all saying how we shouldn’t get used to any of this because this just wasn’t real life.

It was a government project so the pay was good, the work was super easy going, the hours were great and you were basically speaking to HR as equals because they work and are employed by the government. They don’t work for a private employer and HR has to protect the government’s image not just the highest ranking person there.

It was truly the jackpot and I wish it went on forever. It was still work, and sometimes just sometimes super hard work like super crazy fast paced with a lot of incompetence managing it all but usually not really busy.

I’ve been trying to get into working with the government ever since. I think government jobs are easily the best jobs. Even better when you work for the government in a foreign country and basically no one knows what’s really happening over there in comparison to working for the government locally where taxpayers are fed up with the government and have been tracking construction timelines and have been noticing the same pothole for the last 10 years.

Working for your government in a foreign country is easily the best job I can think of. Any others that come to mind?

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