
WHat makes a person incompatible with having a job?

Asking for myself.- A lot of people are depressed or miserable in some way but they find the strength to go to work every day.- Other people run into mental/physical issues and within a couple months they have to quit their job. I fall into the latter category. I never liked working but I was able to tolerate it reasonably well in, mostly in short bursts like summer jobs. When I was in my “prime” of physical and mental health, I still disliked being at work 80% of the time, but it was survivable, similar to going to school. Hated it but it was alright, most of the time. Of course, with hindsight I know that the reason I had very little resilience to long term hard work, is a complex multifactorial thing that involved poor self-actualization from lack of sexual gratification, meaningful hobbies, and bad helicopter parenting. And of…

Asking for myself.- A lot of people are depressed or miserable in some way but they find the strength to go to work every day.- Other people run into mental/physical issues and within a couple months they have to quit their job.

I fall into the latter category. I never liked working but I was able to tolerate it reasonably well in, mostly in short bursts like summer jobs. When I was in my “prime” of physical and mental health, I still disliked being at work 80% of the time, but it was survivable, similar to going to school. Hated it but it was alright, most of the time.

Of course, with hindsight I know that the reason I had very little resilience to long term hard work, is a complex multifactorial thing that involved poor self-actualization from lack of sexual gratification, meaningful hobbies, and bad helicopter parenting. And of course the fact that some of those jobs just sucked hard and provided no feedback loop of self-worth.

The only way to give a shit about performing well at your is if you have sex or children and or bills waiting for you at home. At least for me. If you live with your parents and don't have a girlfriend, it's impossible to give a fuck about “performing” at your job, heck the only satisfaction I got was from learning interesting things and satisfaction from helping customers. Promotions? Metrics? LOL.

Anyway… I'm not sure what my question is here. Some people seem to be able to tolerate difficult work with the promise of future better conditions, and some people are really not.

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