
What neoliberalism is really about

Neoliberalism is a misnomer as it should be called paleo illiberalism or old slavery. Look at reforms pushed through government in the name of “free markets” and you should notice that some of them are mostly to the advantage of rentiers. By rentiers, I mean any business or activity that extracts passive income through ownership of essential assets like money, land, housing, etc. It's like how the real estate lobby and the banks have colluded together to push up home prices to force people to rent their living space. Or how publicly traded firms are now supposed to maximize short term payouts to shareholders at the expense of workers and customers. Or how wealthier landlords transfer the cost of their loans to tenants to able to get more or bigger property. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that too much taking and not enough making is…

Neoliberalism is a misnomer as it should be called paleo illiberalism or old slavery.

Look at reforms pushed through government in the name of “free markets” and you should notice that some of them are mostly to the advantage of rentiers.

By rentiers, I mean any business or activity that extracts passive income through ownership of essential assets like money, land, housing, etc.

It's like how the real estate lobby and the banks have colluded together to push up home prices to force people to rent their living space.

Or how publicly traded firms are now supposed to maximize short term payouts to shareholders at the expense of workers and customers.

Or how wealthier landlords transfer the cost of their loans to tenants to able to get more or bigger property.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that too much taking and not enough making is bound to cause problems.

That is the real cause of mass unemployment and why there's been a disconnect between productivity and wages since the seventies.

The movie In Time is a good watch to understand how wealth is being invisibly transferred upwards through prices and taxes that have been inflated by added costs and not so much by any money printing.

This is a legalized racket and should be called out as such.

So don't be surprised about how working conditions are becoming dismal and how workers are pushed to produce more and more in return for less and less.

The system we are living right now has more in common with the aristocratic fascism of feudal times than the regulated capitalism that existed during the brief golden age of economics after the war.

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