
What % raise should I ask for?

I'm currently working as a contracted QA Analyst for a hiring firm. I was hired at $50/hr about 4 months ago in April. I will most likely be brought on full time in the next month or two, and I'm not sure what kind of raise I should be asking for to go full time. 9% because that's at least what inflation is currently at? Should probably ask for more like 10-15% then, but who the hell ever gives raises that high? Idk, it's a massive international multi billion dollar company so they do have the money.

I'm currently working as a contracted QA Analyst for a hiring firm. I was hired at $50/hr about 4 months ago in April. I will most likely be brought on full time in the next month or two, and I'm not sure what kind of raise I should be asking for to go full time.

9% because that's at least what inflation is currently at? Should probably ask for more like 10-15% then, but who the hell ever gives raises that high? Idk, it's a massive international multi billion dollar company so they do have the money.

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