
What sort of implications will the future have with low birth rates?

The post says 1/5 adults don’t want children. My guess is a varying amount of factors such as; no one can afford to have children, and the future looks so bleak, why bring a child into such uncertainty? Are the main reasons no one wants to have children if you ask me. With the recent abortion laws changing all it seems like to me is the upper crust want poor people with no resources be forced into birthing slaves to take over the low wage paying jobs. I see low birth rates as a factor. What other implications do you think low birth rates are having?

The post says 1/5 adults don’t want children. My guess is a varying amount of factors such as; no one can afford to have children, and the future looks so bleak, why bring a child into such uncertainty? Are the main reasons no one wants to have children if you ask me.

With the recent abortion laws changing all it seems like to me is the upper crust want poor people with no resources be forced into birthing slaves to take over the low wage paying jobs. I see low birth rates as a factor.

What other implications do you think low birth rates are having?

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