
What the Anti-work Discourse Gets Wrong – Article So apparently tech companies are offering spiritual care to make employees more productive, which I'm rather meh about. Offer me a great salary, excellent benefits, a non-toxic work culture and some other things and I'm good. I'll meditate on my own time as I don't think I'd find it relaxing to meditate in an office and step back out to, well, an office. Would love to see some thoughts on this. Some highlights from the article: Americans have a collective worship of work. We say that we sell our souls at work; we describe it as draining, but in Silicon Valley, work is where many people find their souls. Companies design the work experience so that their employees can “be that fulfilled person”, as one HR person put it. Another HR pro said that the job of a “great HR” is to “nourish peoples' souls when they are working…

So apparently tech companies are offering spiritual care to make employees more productive, which I'm rather meh about. Offer me a great salary, excellent benefits, a non-toxic work culture and some other things and I'm good. I'll meditate on my own time as I don't think I'd find it relaxing to meditate in an office and step back out to, well, an office.

Would love to see some thoughts on this.

Some highlights from the article:

Americans have a collective worship of work.

We say that we sell our souls at work; we describe it as draining, but in Silicon Valley, work is where many people find their souls.

Companies design the work experience so that their employees can “be that fulfilled person”, as one HR person put it. Another HR pro said that the job of a “great HR” is to “nourish peoples' souls when they are working so hard.” That's why Google and Salesforce bring in Buddhist teachers and have dedicated meditation rooms to give employees time and space to connect with their authentic selves. They provide their senior leaders with executive coaches whom one manager described as “spiritual advisers”. All of these offerings help tech workers align the deepest parts of themselves with their work.

According to a survey, 70 percent of professionals said that their sense of purpose is defined by their work.

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