
what the hell is it with companies that have people working in heat and dark colored cotton uniforms?

Lately I worked at a warehouse that was a marijuana growery in the 80s-90s that then became a computer refurbishing/recycling warehouse. We had to stand infront of fans that blasted warm air in our faces. Stand outside of that cone of warm air, and you then can actually feel incredibly dense moist air engulf you. The sweat I believe was only amplified simply because of the god awful dark blue cotton shirts they made us wear. One day they had us doing heavy lifting, so I changed to a really breathable shirt. My manager got upset I changed. I asked him if he knows what it's like to smell mildew growing on his shirt. Because since working there, I then discovered what the fuck that's like. Also, once I switched to the breathable shirt, I barely had any sweat on my shirt. And I was one of the people doing…

Lately I worked at a warehouse that was a marijuana growery in the 80s-90s that then became a computer refurbishing/recycling warehouse. We had to stand infront of fans that blasted warm air in our faces. Stand outside of that cone of warm air, and you then can actually feel incredibly dense moist air engulf you. The sweat I believe was only amplified simply because of the god awful dark blue cotton shirts they made us wear. One day they had us doing heavy lifting, so I changed to a really breathable shirt. My manager got upset I changed. I asked him if he knows what it's like to smell mildew growing on his shirt. Because since working there, I then discovered what the fuck that's like. Also, once I switched to the breathable shirt, I barely had any sweat on my shirt. And I was one of the people doing the most lifting, since a lot of my coworkers were 50+.

Next I went to an autoshop. Of course, we work outside. And yet again, they give me dark blue cotton shirts. They didn't seem to have a strict uniform policy, but they would sometimes question me when I came in with my much more breathable shirt.

I left that autoshop and went to a new one. This place gives me dark black cotton shirts. I'm basically wearing a fucking magnifying glass on my body. Mind you, I live in Florida. We're hitting 90 fucking degrees some days. Some days my phone's weather app said 100 degrees. Management is telling us we really need to be careful with the heat, drink a lot of water, take some shade breaks, etc. This company seems like a really nice company, but my fucking God. They even said they noticed a tech about to pass out while doing an oil change. Where you add the oil to the RV is low to the ground, so he was sitting down rocking back and forth to keep him awake.

You know what would REALLY help with the heat problem? NOT USING FUCKING COTTON SHIRTS, GODDAMN.

This new shop has a uniform company that gave me some much more breathable button ups, but..they're also fucking black. It took a few weeks for them to get here. I feel so relieved. And I feel so bad for the new guys that have to wear those awful black cotton shirts.

Edit: the marijuana growery turned PC recycling warehouse had several windows in the ceiling, which made the entire warehouse very hot. There was a section of the warehouse that had 6 windows in one little spot. You could literally feel the heat change as you got closer and closer to this spot.

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