This seems to be coming up a lot so here is a quick list of what to do in this scenario.
DO NOT advise them that what they are doing is illegal. This will only work against you
If the warning was given via group email, immediately “reply to all” and announce what you are paid.
If the warning was given over a group chat/text, immediately respond and announce what you are paid.
If the warning was given in a team meeting, immediately ask to speak and announce what you are paid.
If the warning was made directly to you in private, immediately use whatever communication tool listed above will be most effective in announcing what you are paid.
Wait patiently to be disciplined/terminated. If legally allowed to do so then secretly record the meeting.
Again, DO NOT advise them that what they are doing is illegal.
Be sure that any documentation of your discipline or termination specifically states it was done due to discussing wages. If not then ask for it to be specified.
Report the violation to the NLRB and any other local agencies you can.
I hope this helps.
Edited formatting.