Went into live in home cna care before I had my baby. Baby born in January. Leave home care sitch due to abuse, move elsewhere, can live off husband's income. WHY DID I CHOOSE TO GO BACK TO THE GAS STATION I WORKED AT A YEAR AGO
Gotta pee can't pee unless I call someone out here
Thirsty can't get a drink without calling someone out here to buy it off of. Snacks same deal. Not supposed to have food or drinks out here anyway
Can't sit either. They took the stool away because someone was sitting all shift instead of doing their job
I could easily get another cna job for 20 bucks and hour, why am I standing here, miserable and having to pee, for 16.95???
Why am I standing here when we can afford for me to be a stay home mom for a few more months and continue to easily breastfeed my daughter instead of this stupid pumping nonsense. I don't have to cry when my husband sends me pics of her and I don't have to inconvenience my roommates with late night babysitting because I get off at 11 and my husband starts at 11 and works graveyard.
What the hell was I thinking????