
What with bosses degrading you over things?

I work, or use to, at a law firm. The lawyer that runs the firm is HORRIBLE. I can honestly say this is one of the worst experiences I've had and it's making me re-question my career choice. Throughout these past 4 months, every single one of my paychecks are fucked up in some way. I've told my boss I'm in a diet and the next she brings in sweets and put a candy jar on my desk. On top of that she always makes sure it is always filled. She degrades me over things she should be able to do, such as turning on her light to her office, turning on the TV and other little things. What makes it worse is she goes out of her way to do things that make my experience there awful. She gets upset because I don't eat lunch with her (I'm shy…

I work, or use to, at a law firm. The lawyer that runs the firm is HORRIBLE.
I can honestly say this is one of the worst experiences I've had and it's making me re-question my career choice.
Throughout these past 4 months, every single one of my paychecks are fucked up in some way.
I've told my boss I'm in a diet and the next she brings in sweets and put a candy jar on my desk. On top of that she always makes sure it is always filled.
She degrades me over things she should be able to do, such as turning on her light to her office, turning on the TV and other little things.
What makes it worse is she goes out of her way to do things that make my experience there awful.
She gets upset because I don't eat lunch with her (I'm shy when eating and I don't want talk and watch a loud TV while eating). I'm learning how to become a lawyer and I make mistakes on sometimes but trying learn.

It came to a breaking point today. All the adults I know would have quit by month one, I'll just say that.
I've had to walk out on the job because it's gotten so much. But today, it went past that. Way past that.

When I started this job I made sure to ask questions about boundaries, is okay if I listen to music when going through files, is it okay if my phone is on my desk. All these were okay, well Thursday I was given 9 papers, in the lawyers hand writing. It's VERY cursive, and jumbled together. I couldn't understand some words and overall was trying to get it done. I was given this at 2, started at 2:30 due to other work, the lawyer and paralegal got back from lunch at 4. I finished 6 pages. The paralegal left and complimented how quick I was typing. The lawyer decided to sit in front of my desk and talk to me for 40 minutes, one of the conversations was to not have my phone on my desk anymore which i happily agreed too. She left afterwards. A client comes in after, by the time I finished with the client it was 10 minutes until 5 o clock. So I started closing the firm down and left at 5 like I'm supposed to. I don't work Fridays due to school.

I show up Monday for my shift and complete the rest of the papers (3). I ask for help on words I could not figure out on both Thursday and Monday. This is also the day the lawyer was out sick, Tuesday I was out due to school, but Wednesday (today) the lawyer shows up and wants to speak with me. I'm happy to do so.
She proceeds to tell me that she feels like my phone is distracting and I need to turn it off and hand it over to her or the paralegal for every shift. I flat out said no your not touching my property.

We go into a small argument about this, because I'm wondering why the sudden change of behavior when we just talked Thursday and I haven't seen her since. Her excuse was the document I was typing off of her hand writing. She says it was awful, that I mixed up words and the only time she's seen this was when a druggie worked for her. And that i shouldve had it completed by Thursday. I told her I cannot read her hand writing and was going word for word on what to type. I never even got to look over it before leaving. There was no physical way I could finish it. Even with less phone calls that came in during that period of time. I cannot read her hand writing. Well she still decided to degraded me over it and blamed it on my phone. Which why my phone was included was beyond me, as I can't type and play on my phone.

The ONLY conclusion out of the situation was, me to buy a get a lock box, have the phone in there, and she has the key and it can be in her building. Or give thr phone to her or the paralegal before every shift, or leave it in my car. I said no, my phone is there for an incase of an emergency and it'll be in building. I offered to keep it in my purse which is put in a cabinet behind me, but that wasn't good enough. I have until tomorrow to come up with a solution, which to me right now is probably quitting as I'm sick of the bullshit.

Side note, anyone hiring?

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