
What would you do with no work?

Hi! I'm fairly new to this subreddit. So please be patient with me. I am fascinated by it tbh. I personally never rly knew anyone who advocated this. I am intrigued. But, to the real question: What would you do with no work? I mean I assume y'all want a world where you don't have to spend your time gathering food yourself (like some kind of farm). I'm not rly asking about how we would survive without working (that is not my question rn) But assuming everything we needed was delivered to us without us having to do anything, what would you do? I personally can't stand not working. I am always at my best at work. I deliver 110% at work and am the best at what I do. When I get done with work I'm…. well I'm not un-productive but I'm nothing like what I am at work.…

I'm fairly new to this subreddit. So please be patient with me. I am fascinated by it tbh.
I personally never rly knew anyone who advocated this. I am intrigued.

But, to the real question:
What would you do with no work?
I mean I assume y'all want a world where you don't have to spend your time gathering food yourself (like some kind of farm).
I'm not rly asking about how we would survive without working (that is not my question rn)
But assuming everything we needed was delivered to us without us having to do anything, what would you do?
I personally can't stand not working. I am always at my best at work. I deliver 110% at work and am the best at what I do. When I get done with work I'm…. well I'm not un-productive but I'm nothing like what I am at work.
It's not that I look forward to work per se. But when I'm not working time slows to a crawl whereas at work time zooms by. I know everything there is to know about my job (and that of my co-workers) and am constantly finding ways to improve.
At work I am….. well happy is totally the wrong word. But when I work I am the most relaxed I am ever.
Life and my struggles and stress fades away.
If I didn't work….. idk what I would do but….. hmmm. Lets just say I would be a mess at best.

idk if y'all share how I feel about your work. But let me actually ask a question, what would you do, and how would you derive day to day meaning without having to work and fight to stay alive?

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