
What’s even the point of managers?

I have a stomach condition that basically flares the fuck up whenever I least expect it. When I let my manager know, why the fuck is it my responsibility to find coverage? Is the job of a manager not to manage the gotdamn operation of store including who’s working what days? It’s been this way for two companies that I’ve worked for and I’m so frustrated that it’s normalized where I live (Ontario Canada). If I ask my coworker to cover they’ll say no, but if my manager who has authority asks they’ll say yes and save everyone a panic attack and headache. Sorry for the rant everyone. I like my workplace, really I do, but sometimes company policies and procedures get on my last nerve. Don’t even get my started on “I’m part time but working full time hours because that way the company doesn’t have to pay me…

I have a stomach condition that basically flares the fuck up whenever I least expect it. When I let my manager know, why the fuck is it my responsibility to find coverage? Is the job of a manager not to manage the gotdamn operation of store including who’s working what days?

It’s been this way for two companies that I’ve worked for and I’m so frustrated that it’s normalized where I live (Ontario Canada). If I ask my coworker to cover they’ll say no, but if my manager who has authority asks they’ll say yes and save everyone a panic attack and headache.

Sorry for the rant everyone. I like my workplace, really I do, but sometimes company policies and procedures get on my last nerve. Don’t even get my started on “I’m part time but working full time hours because that way the company doesn’t have to pay me benefits but still gets the labour they want”.

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