
What’s the best way to quit a job?

Mention you’re leaving Give your two weeks notice Hand in your letter of resignation Take your boss out to dinner for being such an absolute sweetheart Blah blah blah, fuck that. How do you leave a toxic work environment? Do people even care about the two weeks notice anymore? I sure don’t. Why should we have to give two weeks notice, but they can immediately ‘terminate’ us on the spot without notice? How have you quit? What are your favourite ways you’ve heart other people quit?

  1. Mention you’re leaving
  2. Give your two weeks notice
  3. Hand in your letter of resignation
  4. Take your boss out to dinner for being such an absolute sweetheart

Blah blah blah, fuck that. How do you leave a toxic work environment? Do people even care about the two weeks notice anymore? I sure don’t. Why should we have to give two weeks notice, but they can immediately ‘terminate’ us on the spot without notice?

How have you quit? What are your favourite ways you’ve heart other people quit?

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