
What’s the dumbest way you’ve been fired. I’ll go first.

My boss had a habit of firing people who questioned her authority because it bruised her fragile ego. She wrongfully terminated a colleague of mine because that employee was getting more praise than her. I stood up in defense of the employee getting fired and that put a target on my back. For the next 6 months, my boss looked for any slip-up i made to pin on me and fire me. So, I started applying for other jobs. I got another position and was ready to put in my 2 week notice. On the Friday before I quit, as I was leaving for the weekend, I confided in a coworker that I was quitting on Monday. Well I made a huge mistake. That coworker told someone who told my boss. I walked in on Monday ready to quit and got fired instead. My boss looked proud of herself for…

My boss had a habit of firing people who questioned her authority because it bruised her fragile ego. She wrongfully terminated a colleague of mine because that employee was getting more praise than her. I stood up in defense of the employee getting fired and that put a target on my back.

For the next 6 months, my boss looked for any slip-up i made to pin on me and fire me. So, I started applying for other jobs. I got another position and was ready to put in my 2 week notice. On the Friday before I quit, as I was leaving for the weekend, I confided in a coworker that I was quitting on Monday.

Well I made a huge mistake. That coworker told someone who told my boss. I walked in on Monday ready to quit and got fired instead. My boss looked proud of herself for beating me to the punch. She completely stiffed me on severance and wanted me to be devastated as she cackled and smiled at my “misfortune”. But instead I smiled and said “seems like we're in agreement that me working here doesn't make sense anymore. See ya!” And I left laughing.

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