
What’s the point of this sub? The description and post contents seem to conflict. Maybe they need to be updated.

I personally joined this sub as i previously had work struggles, It caused me a lot of stress for roughly 10 years and am still struggling but I am a lot better off because i put my head down and crawled my way out. Recently reading through the top posts i wonder how is any of this helping anyone? What is the point of this sub? I've indulge in it a bit but the more i see silly things get upvoted the more i question the point of it all. I posted about it earlier where there was a user saying they planned to go to an interview just to waste the interviewers time and it was upvoted all the way to the top. Is that the point of the sub to cause chaos? To get revenge? The heading is: Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich! The sub…

I personally joined this sub as i previously had work struggles, It caused me a lot of stress for roughly 10 years and am still struggling but I am a lot better off because i put my head down and crawled my way out.

Recently reading through the top posts i wonder how is any of this helping anyone? What is the point of this sub? I've indulge in it a bit but the more i see silly things get upvoted the more i question the point of it all. I posted about it earlier where there was a user saying they planned to go to an interview just to waste the interviewers time and it was upvoted all the way to the top. Is that the point of the sub to cause chaos? To get revenge?

The heading is: Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

The sub description is:

“A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.”

The title and first part of the description reads like this is a place to disucss people simply just not wanting to do any work at all and expect to live the same kind of life style as the rich. The back end of the statement states people could discuss their own work related struggles.

The 1st statement to me reads like it's geared for lazy people wanting to leech off others? It's black and white but let me know if you disagree with that.

The posts are majority complaining about the system, sprinkled in with people asking for advice about their current situtation and not much about people not wanting to do any work (because who want's to admit that even though a lot of people would love that and joined the sub for that reason – it's in the name)

So what is it?

As the heading suggests, do people want to do 0 work and expect to live the life of a rich person? If so that is some A level entitlement and you should probally throw your phone in the bin and go live in the forest or look for a rich partner to leech off. If you wonder why people would consider this group full of entitled people that's it. Maybe change the heading part if that's not the look you want.

If you're looking to better your situation i feel for you, I've been there and am still there but blaming others even though they could be a part of system isn't going to help you, upvoting posts and cheering people on for stripping nude during interviews isn't going to help you. The people that truely are to blame you have 0 access to, and if they are reading your posts they will read these posts with popcorn in hand.

If it's a place to vent, i get it, vent away.

But to say this place is both a place where we want to do 0 work and live like the rich but also complain about work conditions seems a bit counterintuitive. Do you want to be lazy and do zero work or do you want to be taken seriously? Is this group a mix of the two cultures?

If you want to help yourselves / each other there's better ways maybe look to barter, Skill build, Networking and anything else to help you out. I don't recall a post where someone asks how can I better myself, admits they need to change something or is offering some kind of solution to help each other. (not saying it hasn't happened but generallly posts that reach the top aren't those kind of posts)

I'm not saying the system isn't corrupt, not saying people aren't stuck in it but i am saying complaining and upvoting stupid prank type posts isn't going to help you in the long run. Maybe find a sub where you can learn a skill where you don't need to depend on the system moving forward or at least manager better with it.

TLDR: I;m not sure what the main aim of the sub is, what is the end game and if it's driven by people not wanting to do any work or those that want to do work in a fair manner. Those spiteful posts bug me, they are a waste of everyones time and will only give you minutes of entertainment. Understand you're in a shitty system and work within it because you're most likely not going to change it. A lot of the time you're to blame a lot of the time is they system is to blame, don't blame it all on the system as sometimes to move forward you need to take ownership.

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