
What’s with all the customer service and sales jobs, who’s creating the F’ing products!!

Where I live almost 80% of all the jobs are marketing, sales or customer service jobs, how is that possible? is 20% of the workforce in my country creating the products and 80% are doing the pre/post sales services for them!! I am 28 and couldn't hold a job for more then 6 months.. I jumped from one job to the other since graduation because of my borderline and depression, they all paid pennies and the managers were assholes, and now I can't find a job especially during this pandemic thing. I thought of starting a business but I am skilled in nothing, I mean I know about lots of stuff but I'm not an expert on anything, thought of starting a blog or a youtube channel but I don't know about the financial feasibility of this (how long will it take to earn a living wage from that and…

Where I live almost 80% of all the jobs are marketing, sales or customer service jobs, how is that possible? is 20% of the workforce in my country creating the products and 80% are doing the pre/post sales services for them!!

I am 28 and couldn't hold a job for more then 6 months.. I jumped from one job to the other since graduation because of my borderline and depression, they all paid pennies and the managers were assholes, and now I can't find a job especially during this pandemic thing.

I thought of starting a business but I am skilled in nothing, I mean I know about lots of stuff but I'm not an expert on anything, thought of starting a blog or a youtube channel but I don't know about the financial feasibility of this (how long will it take to earn a living wage from that and how much money will it make)

I recently found a good therapist and my mental health was getting better until my last manager laid me off because I started asking him about the bonuses he promised and the classes that students cancelled (I was an ESL teacher for an educational center) and he said I'd be paid for that but he never did, and when I started asking him about that, he told me “ok, there are no students applying for the courses nowadays, so lets wait a couple weeks and start teaching again, I'll call you when students pay the fees” that was in Feb, 1st and it's been 4 months and he didn't call, I've been looking for jobs but nothing in sight, I can't work the sales jobs because I worked sales before and they messed up my mental health, we got no disability or unemployment checks in my country and the suicidal thoughts are coming back aggressively, don't know what to do.

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