
What’s your ideal supervisor?

I work at a company where I was asked to pick someone to destroy his relationship with his coworkers promote to be a supervisor, this will probably make all their coworkers despise them and stop trusting them but I can't have a say in that. Work performance aside, what should I look for? Should I look for the silent type? The kind one? The work first life second type? How would you want your supervisor to be? I don't want someone to have powers where they abuse it and treat their coworkers worse, I want them to like them

I work at a company where I was asked to pick someone to destroy his relationship with his coworkers promote to be a supervisor, this will probably make all their coworkers despise them and stop trusting them but I can't have a say in that.

Work performance aside, what should I look for? Should I look for the silent type? The kind one? The work first life second type? How would you want your supervisor to be? I don't want someone to have powers where they abuse it and treat their coworkers worse, I want them to like them

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