
Whelp, the new job messed up

Been at this job for five work weeks, and I'm already looking for a new one. Why? Today during a 'mandatory' 10 hr overtime shift my 30 min lunch was denied. First off, pretty sure the law says (and in my state it DOES IN FACT) require employees be given a 30 min lunch break no later than 6hrs into any shift. Second, bit of background, I'm a welder, and weld fumes cause me some gastro issues. I normally take 3 bathroom breaks during an 8 hr day to clear out some discomfort. Manager knows this. I disclosed it after my first few days. Non issue until today for whatever reason. He monitored all 3 bathroom breaks, and after the final one made a comment about how he's going to have to chain me to my work table. For fuckin real dude, buh bye. I'll be documenting EVERYTHING homie. Video,…

Been at this job for five work weeks, and I'm already looking for a new one. Why? Today during a 'mandatory' 10 hr overtime shift my 30 min lunch was denied. First off, pretty sure the law says (and in my state it DOES IN FACT) require employees be given a 30 min lunch break no later than 6hrs into any shift. Second, bit of background, I'm a welder, and weld fumes cause me some gastro issues. I normally take 3 bathroom breaks during an 8 hr day to clear out some discomfort. Manager knows this. I disclosed it after my first few days. Non issue until today for whatever reason. He monitored all 3 bathroom breaks, and after the final one made a comment about how he's going to have to chain me to my work table. For fuckin real dude, buh bye. I'll be documenting EVERYTHING homie. Video, pictures, my hours, your comments, EVERYTHING. And when I'm done, because I'm starting a new higher paying job the next day, I'm gonna take everything I've recorded that's against federal and or state labor laws and deliver it to the state DOL. As a farewell gift. Also, yes I will be quitting without notice. Also yes I've already started getting into the legal nitty gritty as far as what I can do as far as civil actions if the need arises.

Thank you for coming to my Vent Off (Ted Talk)

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